Plain text atom for mac
Plain text atom for mac

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Not as powerful as what I get using SourceTree, but for common operations like commits and diffs, it proved to be perfect and sped up my development time. I could already whizz through typing out a function name without having to remember the arguments (or their types for that matter).Īs an added bonus, the Git integration is very convenient. I also set up some of the IntelliSense typeahead completion which (although painful to configure initially) started to show its benefits in a day or so. The debugging feature mentioned above was a treat. It had a very familiar feel to Sublime and Atom. I spent a week using the editor, and in general, I was pretty content. Editing and WorkflowĪlthough VSCode is built in a similar fashion to Atom, using Electron, Node, and HTML/CSS, it is actually much faster without any real lags. The same can also be done with Node.js - setting breakpoints in VSCode and stepping through while the node process runs in a terminal. It allows you to set breakpoints and debug JS from within VSCode. One of my favorite (and what makes me excited about VSCode) is Debugger for Chrome. You’ll need to spend some time picking out plugins that are best for your workflow. The extension management is built-in, and there’s already several thousands available! As with Atom, some come installed by default. PackagesĪs with our other editors, VSCode has a nice plugin (extensions) ecosystem. Microsoft has done a great job of creating a powerful and flexible cross-platform editor that’s piquing a lot of interest from developers. It was only released last year (April 2015), but it has already been picking up a lot of traction.

#Plain text atom for mac code#

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a relative newcomer to the world of text editors. There’s a reason it still makes the top 3 Development Environment in 2016. VerdictĪs I mentioned at the start, I’m a long time Sublime user so my opinions here are likely to be slightly biased, but in general, Sublime is a flexible and fast editor.

plain text atom for mac

The only issue I’ve ever faced with performance is from badly performing plugins - but even then you’ll get a warning message when a plugin seems to be taking too long. Here’s where Sublime outperforms Atom - opening, closing, searching, etc is very smooth and fast. The configuration files are simple JSON and there’s a whole host of hidden settings waiting for you to play with. The power to control aspects such as “save on lost focus”, “trim whitespace” and more is available. CustomizationĪgain, Sublime is very much like Atom. I’m sure others will be able to correct me if there is a decent plugin that can help. I only really trust using SourceTree for that.

plain text atom for mac

One downside I’ve found is there’s no decent Git plugin that lets me do nice diffs and stage changes. Getting the right syntax highlighting, JSON formatters, linters, etc takes some time, but once they’re installed and set up, they don’t need to be touched again. I’ve often had to perform searches across hundreds of files to find a snippet of code and Sublime’s speed has never let me down.Īs with Atom - the real power comes once you have some key plugins installed. Being able to search for a file and across files is fast and easy. Editing and Workflowįor me the use of projects is critical when working in Sublime - it helps me stay focussed on the relevant files for what I need. Overall, Sublime’s package support is very good, it’s just a shame that you have to jump through that one hoop at the beginning to even get started with it. GitGutter - Shows git status on the left side next to line numbers.SublimeLinter: To add linters for different languages.SideBarEnhancements: without this, renaming/moving/duplicating files is not supported.Like Atom, Sublime has a lot of packages and themes! For me the essentials are:

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The greatest downside for me would still be the performance issues, but for a free editor, Atom shines brightly! Sublime

#Plain text atom for mac manual#

The Atom Flight Manual provides a great starting point for new users. As a web developer, the freedom to tweak, add, and extend your editor gives an incredible feeling of power. VerdictĪtom is a great tool, especially for those who want to customize their editor easily, and beyond what others provide. It has certainly gotten better since, but the frustration is still there.

plain text atom for mac

When I tried Atom when it was first released, performance was a problem.

#Plain text atom for mac full#

Sometimes, opening a file or switching between tabs has enough of a lag to feel painful (especially when you’re in full swing development action). If there’s one bone to pick with Atom, it’s that at times, it feels slow. Overall, I love how configurable Atom is - ability to override settings on a per-file type basis is great! For example, different indentation for JS vs CSS vs HTML is very simple with Atom.

Plain text atom for mac